washington dc schedule

coming soon!

washington dc

6800 homeless in the district of columbia


tbd shelter
tbd address
eat9a - 4p
wash 9a - 4p
first aid9a - 4p
sleep9p - 9a


tbd shelter
tbd address
eat9a - 4p
wash 9a - 4p
first aid9a - 4p
laundry9a - 4p


tbd shelter
tbd address
eat9a - 4p
wash 9a - 4p
first aid9a - 4p
sleep9p - 9a


tbd shelter
tbd address
eat9a - 4p
wash 9a - 4p
first aid9a - 4p
laundry9a - 4p

instead of people riding the bus to the service,
the service rides the bus to the people.

dimitri snowden®

blessed founder