rec alternative sentencing program

|under development|


The ReverseBus Elevation Center Alternative Sentencing Program is, designed to provide individuals experiencing homelessness who have committed low-level, non-violent crimes an opportunity to serve their sentences through rehabilitative and supportive services at the ReverseBus Elevation Center (REC), instead of typical incarceration.

This program aims to address the root causes of homelessness and crime, promote stability, and prevent recidivism by focusing on housing, mental health, and workforce development.

reversbus elevation center

The Reversebus Elevation Center is a minimum-security campus offering comprehensive wrap-around services, including housing, substance abuse counseling, mental health care, and workforce development, through a coordinated network of specialized service providers.

program objectives

Rehabilitation Over Incarceration

Divert low-level offenders from jail to a comprehensive support facility where they can receive the services they need to address the underlying factors contributing to their criminal behavior.

Stability and Reintegration

Support participants in obtaining stable housing, employment, and mental health care to ensure they successfully reintegrate into society.

Reduce Recidivism

By providing holistic services, the program seeks to reduce reoffending rates and promote long-term behavioral change.

eligibility criteria

Participants must:

  • Be experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity.
  • Have committed a low-level, non-violent crime (e.g., trespassing, petty theft, loitering).
  • Be sentenced to a jail term that could be served in an alternative sentencing program.
  • Be willing to actively participate in rehabilitative services at REC.
  • Not pose a risk to the safety of staff or other participants.

program components

Sentence Fulfillment at the ReverseBus Elevation Center (REC)

Participants will serve their designated jail term in the REC, a facility designed to provide comprehensive rehabilitative services. They will reside at the center for the duration of their sentence, participating in a structured schedule focused on personal development, mental health, and practical skills.

Immediate Shelter and Housing Support

Participants will be housed at REC for the duration of their sentence, with access to:

    • Safe, stable accommodation during their program.
    • Assistance with securing transitional or permanent housing upon completion of the program through housing specialists.

Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment

REC offers tailored mental health services and substance use disorder treatment. Participants will have access to:

    • One-on-one counseling and group therapy.
    • On-site or referral services for substance abuse treatment, including detox programs and long-term support for sobriety.

Education and Workforce Development

Participants will engage in job training, education, and skill-building opportunities, including:

    • Job Readiness Training: Resume writing, interview coaching, and job search assistance.
    • Vocational Skills: Courses in basic trades (e.g., carpentry, plumbing), culinary skills, or other in-demand fields.
    • GED and Continuing Education: Opportunities to complete high school equivalency or take courses in local community colleges to build career readiness.

Life Skills and Financial Literacy

Workshops will be held to develop essential life skills, including:

    • Budgeting & Financial Management: Instruction on managing money, paying bills, and setting financial goals.
    • Health & Wellness: Information on physical health, nutrition, and hygiene practices.
    • Conflict Resolution: Tools for resolving personal conflicts and managing stress in a healthy manner.

Community Service and Restorative Justice

Participants may be required to engage in community service projects as part of their sentence. This may include:

    • Community Clean-up Projects: Helping maintain public spaces in partnership with local government agencies.
    • Engaging with Victims (Restorative Justice): In appropriate cases, participants may meet with those affected by their actions to facilitate healing and restitution.

Case Management and Individualized Support

Each participant will have a dedicated case manager who will:

    • Develop a personalized case plan focused on housing, employment, and rehabilitation.
    • Monitor progress and provide consistent support throughout the program.
    • Assist in navigating post-sentence resources, ensuring participants continue to receive support after leaving REC.

program structure

Referral and Intake

  • Referrals to the program will be made by judges or public defenders as an alternative to jail time.
  • Participants will undergo a thorough intake assessment to determine their needs and establish an individualized case plan.

Phase I: Stabilization (First 1-2 Weeks)

  • Participants focus on meeting basic needs such as housing, food, and health care.
  • Mental health and substance abuse screenings will be conducted to develop an immediate action plan for treatment.

Phase II: Rehabilitative Engagement (Weeks 3-12)

  • Participants engage in daily programming, including workforce training, educational classes, mental health therapy, and community service.
  • Participants will receive document (dd214, state id, etc) acquisition support.
  • Consistent check-ins with case managers ensure that participants are meeting goals outlined in their case plans.

Phase III: Transition and Exit Planning (Final Month)

  • The final phase focuses on securing stable housing and employment.
  • Case managers work with participants to finalize housing placements and job offers or educational plans.
  • Post-program follow-ups are scheduled at 3, 6, and 12 months to track progress and provide ongoing support.

program requirements

Participants must:

  • Commit to staying at REC for the duration of their sentence.
  • Participate fully in all required activities, including counseling, workshops, and job training.
  • Follow all REC rules, including curfew, substance use prohibitions, and respect for staff and other participants.

outcomes and success metrics

Success will be measured through:

  • Housing Stability
    • The number of participants transitioning from REC into stable, permanent housing.
  • Employment
    • The percentage of participants securing employment or enrolling in education programs upon completion of their sentence.
  • Recidivism Reduction
    • Tracking how many participants avoid re-offending after program completion.
  • Mental Health and Substance Use
    • Monitoring improvements in mental health and reductions in substance use among participants.
  • Community Engagement
    • Measuring participant contribution to community service and restitution activities.

partnerships and support

  • Local Courts and Law Enforcement
    • Ensure collaboration with judges to divert eligible individuals from jail into REC.
  • Nonprofit and Community Organizations
    • Leverage partnerships for job training, housing support, and addiction treatment services.
  • Businesses and Workforce Development Centers
    • Establish agreements with local employers willing to hire program participants after sentence completion.
  • Health and Mental Health Providers
    • Collaborate with local healthcare providers to ensure participants have access to necessary medical services.

budget and funding

The program will seek funding from:

  • Local Government Grants
    • Funding aimed at reducing incarceration rates and homelessness.
  • Philanthropic Donations
    • Contributions from nonprofits and corporate donors committed to social justice.
  • Reallocation of Incarceration Funds:
    • Savings from reduced jail stays can be redirected to the program’s operation.


The ReverseBus Elevation Center Alternative Sentencing Program offers a transformative approach to addressing the challenges faced by individuals experiencing homelessness who have committed low-level crimes.

By replacing punitive incarceration with structured rehabilitative services, the program aims to break the cycle of homelessness and criminal behavior, fostering long-term stability and success for participants.

how can we partner?

fill out the form below so we can figure it out together…

our mission is to reduce the friction both
experienced and created from homelessness.